Rules For Students

  • 1 : Children must come to school in neat and tidy school uniform.
  • 2 : Children must come to class with the lesson well prepared and the home work completed.
  • 3 : School diary should be brought daily to class. If the dairy is lost made dirty and shabby, a new dairy will have to be purchased.
  • 4 : Every child should attend the Assembly in the morning. Late arrivals after the prayer may not be admitted to class without Principal’s permission.
  • 5 : No paper, peels scraps of food etc .are to be left lying around. There is a dustbin provided for the purpose.
  • 6 : No child should remain absent without a written application for a leave. In case of infectious disease no child is supposed to come to school without a medical certificate of fitness.
  • 7 : No jewellery is to be worn and no make-up of any kind is to used. Nails and hairs are to be kept short and neat.
  • 8 : When children move along verandah and when they change classes, they must walk in silence and in single line.
  • 9 : To obtain fluency in speaking English all are expected to speak in English in the School. Conversation in vernacular language is not allowed in the school campus. That is Must.
  • 10 : Students should not to write on furniture or walls. They should not deface or destroy any school property. Fine will be imposed in proportion of property damaged.
  • 11 : Every student should bring his/her school bag according to the timetable each day.
  • 12 : Students are not allowed to bring valuable articles (like expensive watches or Cell phones) to school.
  • 13 : The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings of the students; blazer should also bear the name of the student.
  • 14 : A student who uses unfair means during test or examination will be given zero in the subject and warning letter. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
  • 15 : The pupils are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported objectionable conduct out of the school on the part of pupils will make them liable for disciplinary action.
  • 16 : No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building. Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
  • 17 : Exploding crackers or splashing colours during Diwali/Holi or any other occasion in the school premises or school buses is strictly forbidden. Non compliance of these instructions can result in expulsion from the school.
  • 18 : Children when sick should not come to school to attend the classes.

Deposit Of Fees

  • 1 : Fee is charged for the whole calendar year.
  • 2 : Tuition fee along with computer fee is remitted quarterly i.e. in four installments.
  • 3 : First installment of all the students will be collected at school only at the time of admission in the next class.
  • 4 : The second, third and fourth installments will be deposited between 1-15 of the first month of the respective quarter (i.e. July, October & January) in the Bank.
  • 5 : Fees once deposited will not be refunded in any case.
  • 6 : The names of defaulters will be stuck off the rolls on the last day of the month.Re-entry of names in such cases will be done with a readmission fee along with all arrears.
  • 7 : Bus fee is realized for 12 months in 4 installments even if the student leaves the bus facility in the middle of the session.

Library Rules

  • 1 : A student can get only one book at a time and for one week only.
  • 2 : Book should not be mishandled. Making pencils or ink marks and tearing pages are prohibited.
  • 3 : Silence should be observed in the Library and Reading Room.
  • 4 : Students breaking the rules will have to pay a fine or cost of the damaged book.
  • 5 : If a student does not return the Library Book before the annual examination he will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
  • 6 : If a book is lost by the student, double cost of the book will be realized.