Admission shall be strictly on the basis of merit.The merit shall be drawn on
the basis of performance of the child in oral/written test & interview.
A child found fit for admission shall deposit the required fee with in time from
the date of the declaration of the result, failing which his/her selection for
admission shall stand cancelled.
If a child is absent for seven days from the date of admission his/her lien to
the admission will be void & the fee deposited will be forfeited.
Registration Process
Registration is done mainly for admission to Kinder-Garden
section(Nursery,LKG,UKG),Class VI and Class IX howerver registration can be done
for other classes subject to availability of seat.
Registration Begins In The 2nd Week Of January.
The prospectus and the registration form can be obtained from school office on
any working day during school hours.
It shall be subject to merit and availability of seats.
Proof of Age:
For Nursery, LKG, UKG, & Class I – birth certificate issued by competent
authority such as panchayat,nagar palika, nagar nigam application for the
change of date of birth shall be entertained in any circustances.
For class II and above – transfer certificate from the school last attended.
Minimum age at the time of admission:
Children seeking admission to class Nursary, LKG And Class VI must have
completed the age of 3,3.5 and 10 years respectively on 31st March of the year
of admission.